Ruddy Joinery Limited (RJL) rely upon this statement, where necessary, for the purpose of complying with their individual annual reporting requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The aim of this policy statement is to communicate our responsibilities and highlight the risks that modern slavery and trafficking pose to our business, clients and supply chain. Ruddy Joinery as a family business is a joinery and fit-out contracting company, providing manufacturing and contracting services to the UK market. Our supply chain is comprised of contractors, service providers, producers of materials and manufacturers of mechanical, electrical and other products used in the construction process.
Integrity is one of the core values under which RJL operates. RJL is committed to being a responsible business and to upholding high ethical standards in all our operations, including those of our supply chains, wherever they may be from. Our commitments are summarised in our Health and Safety and Responsible Materials Procurement Policies. The Global Slavery Index presents significant evidence that highlights the risk that labour standards issues could be present in construction supply chains, in the production of construction materials, delivery of construction activities and through the provision of professional services equipment such as laptops and phones. To identify and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking, RJL takes the following focussed approach to the procurement of labour, goods and services:
- Identification of issues and risks
- Collaboration with our clients, peers and suppliers
- Clear definition and contractual communication of our expectations
- Review and assessment of supplier compliance
- The resolution of challenges through training and supplier development.
RJL’s pre-qualification system is audited by Achilles Building Confidence and is currently being integrated within our internal management system. These tools assess suppliers against labour standards, health and safety, environmental and business ethics criteria, identifying issues and risks. Where issues are identified, RJL will works with suppliers to seek resolution through training and development. If the issue is deemed serious and/or is not capable of remediation RJL will remove the supplier from our supply chain unless and until the issue is fully resolved. We recognise that certain jurisdictions are considered high risk and have different legal and cultural frameworks. We work with clients and suppliers to understand the risks and mitigate them within the parameters of local law. RJL also provides specialist guidance to project procurement teams where there are deemed to be significant risks. In further support of this, we have developed guidance on modern slavery and trafficking in two key areas of activity:
- Procurement of materials and services
- Supervision of operatives / workers
Where staff have concerns around issues of forced labour, human rights, recruitment practices or exploitation, they are encouraged and expected to report concerns to management. All reports will be investigated by the Managing Director.
We will continue to review and evolve our approach as we gain further understanding of the risks presented by our business activities and suppliers and in line with guidance published by the UK Government. This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes RJL’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
For and on behalf of Ruddy Joinery Limited
Alan Ruddy
Managing Director
December 2023