

At Ruddy we know that the key to a successful project lies in the detail. To this end and to ensure a smooth transition from Architectural concept through to handover & beyond, we employ highly skilled & experienced personnel. Their skill sets are utilised on a daily basis with several specialising in certain areas such as off-site manufacture (Rudwall), traditional joinery fit-out & 3D BIM. They help to ensure we can accommodate our clients’ design needs & expectations.

We actively encourage design workshops early and throughout the contract period whereby our expertise is offered to our clients’. We can then rationally develop the design, consider obligations under CDM, eliminate potential abortive details, and deliver a fast and accurate service.

We currently directly employ 28 full time in-house designers. They are supplemented as required with ‘tried and trusted’ freelance designers to ensure fluctuations in capacity are accommodated. We further enhance the team with a full time planner & administrator.

With the construction industry moving further into the world of 3D, we have our own in-house 3D design team comprising of 3no designers who are proficient in BIM. As demand increases in this area we look to train other design team members thus helping to ensure our high standards are maintained.

Our design team use a variety of software to produce their designs including:

  • Autodesk AutoCAD 2016LT & 2017/18
  • Autodesk Inventor 2017/18
  • Autodesk Revit 2017
  • Autodesk Navisworks Manage/Simulate 2017/18

Should you require any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

Design Office Process Chart